Cancel Payments
Business Central includes Norwegian enhancements that allow you to cancel payments. If the payment has been sent to the bank, the bank must be contacted to cancel the remittance that they received.
A payment order can be canceled if the payments are not received by the bank and a new remittance must be made. You can also cancel a payment order if you do not want to transfer the payments to the bank, for example if the payments are incorrect. Only open payment orders can be canceled.
An individual payment can be canceled if the payment cannot be processed by the bank and a new remittance has to be made. You can also cancel a payment if you do not want to process the payment. Settled payments cannot be canceled.
To cancel a payment order
- Choose the
icon, enter Remittance Payment Order, and then choose the related link.
- Select the payment order, choose the Export action, and then choose the Cancel Payment Order action.
- Choose the Yes button.
To cancel a payment
- Choose the
icon, enter Waiting Journal, and then choose the related link.
- Select the payment, and then choose the Cancel Payment action.
- Choose the Yes button.
See Also
Electronic Payments to Vendors in Norway
Set Up Remittance Agreements
Create Remittance Accounts
Set Up Vendors for Remittance
Recipient Reference Codes
Create Remittance Suggestions
Create Manual Remittance Payments
Set Up Payment Line Information
Test Remittance Payments
Export Remittance Payments
Types of Payment Returns Files
Import Payment Return Data
Delete Remittance Payment Orders
Remittance Errors
View Remittance Error Codes